Wednesday, February 11, 2015

SYLVIA PLATH: 1932 - 1963

Woody Allen as literary critic...


After whose stroke the wood rings,
And the echoes!
Echoes traveling
Off from the center like horses.

The sap
Wells like tears, like the
Water striving
To re-establish its mirror
Over the rock

That drops and turns,
A white skull,
Eaten by weedy greens.
Years later I
Encounter them on the road----

Words dry and riderless,
The indefatigable hoof-taps.
From the bottom of the pool, fixed stars
Govern a life.
Poem © Sylvia Plath 

1 comment:

  1. A rather weird scene from a great movie: Annie Hall. Woody's analysis of Plath's work is totally laughable. But I guess it's supposed to be like that? (After all, Annie Hall is a comedy.) Worth renting the DVD just to hear his sarcastic opinion of SP. Still, it remains a great comedy :-)

    P.S. Be sure and take a long peek at ARIEL. Pure Genius :-)


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