Sunday, January 17, 2016


Yes, you really can buy a mop for a dollar. I know this because Roy bought me one a few months ago, and I've been using it like a madman. Apart from the handle being a foot shorter than a "normal" mop, it gets the job done just as well as its taller cousin.

Since I was at Safeway yesterday, I decided to do a hasty price comparison. The cheapest mop to be had was twelve times more expensive! Alas, there is no Dollar Tree store near my apartment building, so I guess I'll continue to spend twelve times more for everything I need to survive, and somehow learn to suffer Safeway gladly.

My new and improved idea of heaven is finding a cheap apartment across the street from a Dollar Tree. I'll start praying tonight...


  1. Huh. My idea of heaven would be an apartment where the floors clean themselves.

  2. I used to love the Dollar Tree Store when I lived in Texas. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any here in the wilds of Tennessee. And I need a new mop (no kidding). Guess I'll have to look in WalMart.

    I noticed on your "profile" that one of your favorite films is "Carnival of Souls". It's one of mine, too. Not many people have heard of it.

    1. I thought my friend (Roy) was joking when he told me the Dollar Tree store was selling brand new mops for a buck. So he actually bought me one (blue bucket not included).

      CARNIVAL OF SOULS is awesome! I first discovered it on video way back in the day. The DVD is a bit longer, plus lots of really cool extra features :-)


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