Thursday, October 4, 2018


I can see Hitchcock's bloated face on my aching knee:
I know it's just a bunch of wrinkles in the
frayed fabric of my jeans.

But what am I to make of the black
shoe I see when I shift my gaze an inch or
two toward the east? I don't wear black

shoes. Is Norman Bates' mother paying me a friendly
call? Will this be a Happy Halloween?
Is this meant to be my final scene?

And whatever happened to Janet Leigh?

Poem Copyright 2018 by Dylan Mitchell


  1. I'm sure you have many more scenes to come. Hope they are better than some of your past.

  2. Well, this little poem is fact and fantasy all mixed up in one. Let's hope we all have better scenes in future movies :-)

    Happy Halloween!

  3. An appropriate poem for the beginning of October. The visual of Hitchcock's face in the frayed fabric on your jeans is wonderful.

    "Psycho" has always been one of my favorite horror films. They don't make them like that anymore. And Anthony Perkins was superb in the role of Norman. I don't think any other actor could have done it as well.

    1. Thanks Jon: I should have stopped at the first stanza, but got caught up in the dramatic moment. Anyway, it was a fun little poem to write :-)

      I think Psycho is my favorite Hitchcock film. Anthony Perkins gave the performance of a lifetime. Both charming and chilling - that's not an easy thing to do...

  4. Hi Dylan - interesting how you intertwined fact with fantasy creating this poem. I wonder if the words just bounce off your brain, or if you require some time to perfect things to your liking ? Either way, you are gifted !

    Hope all goes well and you're having a nice October so far ... take care !

    1. Helga, thanks for the rave review! I was going to write this in haiku form, but more and more images kept coming to mind. So I figured I'd write three stanzas instead of three lines (with a last line tossed in for good measure).

      Anyway, it was fun to write. Thank you for the kind wishes - I hope your October is awesome!

  5. No, this is not meant to be your last scene. LOTS more ups and downs to come, some scary and some sublime. You've got lots more writing to do. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Susan. I really do want to get back to visual art, but writing is like therapy to me - so I keep scribbling away.

      My weekend will be spent mostly in bed (I caught a really bad cold), but I have plenty of great movies to watch - so I'm not complaining all that much :-)

      Hope your weekend is everything you wish it to be!

  6. So, did you make it thru the weekend?

  7. One wag at a time. Good advice. We're all ok. Best to you,Dylan.

    1. Thanks Geo. I'm happy to hear everyone is okay: I think of all of you often, and hope life is treating you kind. One wag at a time is not such a bad way to live. Less really is more :-)

  8. Dagnabbit Dylan, I loved the Emmanuel song in the next post, "Todo Se Derrumbo", but couldn't comment, so I time-traveled back here. My Portuguese is better than my Spanish, but not that much different. I get:"See my body break.
    See my tears.
    Everything collapsed inside me.
    Smoke: your love and paper.
    Watch my dreams burn."

    As I age toward 70, this song pretty much nails it. Thanks for posting it. We must treat ourselves with understanding and, of course, handle with care.

  9. Geo, wow, I thank you big time for such an honest and open comment! I have always loved Spanish music (and once was able to speak it fluently), alas age and various health troubles got in the way of all of that.

    But I can still appreciate the music! Great music is so universal. Something tells me that I'll be posting many more songs in the future (English and Spanish). I will forever wish good health and peace for you, my friend.


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