Friday, May 13, 2016


I'm frankly quite astonished that more bloggers are not writing about this subject? But I've always been very superstitious, so I guess I'm among a minority.

I will not go out into the world on this day. I'll stay inside, listen to lots of music, and read stuff on the internet.

One story I just read was about how black cats are less likely to be adopted from animal shelters except on Halloween and Friday the 13th. Then suddenly everybody wants one. And how most shelters are reluctant to let just anyone adopt a dark kitty on those two days: The screening process suddenly becomes quite difficult and endless - as it very well should.

I'd laugh about this if I did not know just how weird and twisted most of humanity can be. A black cat is really cool to have on Halloween and Friday the 13th, but easily discarded after such unholy days are done? (By the way, I am not a Christian.) I've owned several cats and three were black. I could never just discard one in such a cruel and casual way.

But I'm just a very weird and twisted poet. Stay safe out there, people and cats both...

Essay © 2016 by Dylan Mitchell


  1. You are neither weird nor twisted, but always intriguing.
    Like you, I was surprised that nobody wrote about Friday the 13th this time around. I was going to mention it but then it slipped my mind. I spent my Friday the 13th safely indoors.

    I love the photo of the cat on your post. It's a shame that people are only interested in black cats on Halloween or the 13th. I'm glad that animal shelters are cautious about adopting them out.

    I always wanted a black cat and only got one (Bosco) by accident. Bosco was from a litter of stray kittens and I had him since the day he was born (he's now two yrs. old). He was the sickest of the litter so I adopted him (I managed to give all the other kittens to good homes).

    Black cats are very special. They seem to have much different personalities than other cats. More mysterious and unique.
    Sorry for this long comment. BTW, I appreciated your comments on my present blog post and I've responded to them.

    1. That's a sweet story about Bosco. Yes, black cats are very mysterious and special.

  2. Too bad with black object obsession people so weird about black cats. 2 adopted me in past and 3 now across street. All were abandoned. So the harm of superstition. 13 just another number.Forget about it.

  3. So black cats are adopting you left and right, huh? I rather like that :-)


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