Friday, December 4, 2015


Consider this a sort of mini-review of an awesome book about the liberation of animals, and what the world would be like if the tables were suddenly turned. What makes us (human beings) so superior to other living creatures on this planet?

Some of us kill (on a regular basis) when it is completely insane to do so. I mean, too many of us kill animals for sport. And if I am to believe the news (I always consider multiple sources), we have finally reached the point of no return: killing animals is not enough - it's time to wipe out the human race.

This is what happens when people lose all respect for life - animal or human. If you value life (as I do), I encourage you to take a long peek at this much needed book: It contains humor, satire, tragedy, sadness, and hope for a better future for all living creatures. Here's the link: Veganman

I daresay it's the perfect Christmas gift.

213 pages
Amazon Digital Services, Inc., 2015

Reader Rating: 10/10

Book Review © 2015 by Dylan Mitchell


Don't be shy...